Embedded is a name for a control system which is in most cases integrated directly into a controlled device. It has a distinctively lower hardware requirements thanks to optimized software functionality. Crucial benefits are:
Schematic picture of interconnection between plant's management centre and dieselgenerator.
PC solution requires computer with licensed operating system, RS485-to-serial converter, SNMP service, e-mail + SMS sending software and complicated implementation of proprietary protocol for a management unit.
Embedded solution shows a possibility of integrating all needed components into a small box (10x10cm) and save money on hardware, SW licences, and get device with significantly higher reliability.
MetrologySolar Monitor - brand new monitoring unit for photovoltaic plants. Combines simplicity and innovative features for maximum user satisfaction.
MetrologyRunning Web Portal for analysis of measured values. Multi-purpose use. This demo displays data from our office.
NetworkingUnique web-update in LAN Analyser: you can easily update the device with one file containing the Bootloader, Linux kernel and the filesystem via web browser.